Visit Afghan Embassy in the Netherlands

On Friday, 8 May 2015, MCAN and the Afghan Embassy in the Netherlands held a meeting about future cooperation on improving the health care in Afghanistan. Although this meeting was mainly focused on the collaboration between the parties, it was also an opportunity for MCAN to meet the new ambassador, Dr. Obaidullah Obaid.

In this encounter Safir Zewari, chairman of MCAN, pointed out that the primary purpose of MCAN encompasses medical knowledge sharing with our colleagues in Afghanistan. MCAN attempts to contribute in improving the quality of medical education in Afghanistan. The voluntary and non-profit base of the foundation was explained to the ambassador. It was stressed out that support from the Afghan ambassador would certainly help MCAN on its mission.

As the meeting proceeded, MCAN elaborated about its two main ongoing projects, including project “UpToDate” and “E-learning Surgery”. Both projects were well received. As former minister of higher education and dean of Kabul Medical University, dr. Obaid showed great intrest in projects of MCAN. In addition the ambassador stated his full support and collaboration.

MCAN feels content about its first meeting with the ambassador and looks forward to future collaboration.

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