As you might have followed our activities lately, our colleagues visited Kabul Medical University (KMU), Aliabad Teaching Hospital and Sardar Daud Khan military Hospital in Kabul last April. During our stay in Kabul we had the opportunity to work on several projects and collaborate with our colleagues in Afghanistan. Coming time, we will provide you with more details about each project.
We will kick off with our well-known project, project UpToDate. Project UpToDate, which we initiated at KMU in 2016, was temporarily inactive in 2017 due lack of finance. However, with your help, we managed to raise enough money to get the license for another year. UpToDate is an online based medical knowledge source, which contains information about more than 9000 topics in 20 medical specialties. By giving access to such an excellent evidence-based source, we hope to achieve our main goal ‘knowledge sharing” at its fullest.
In order to encourage and inform the students about UpToDate, we gave presentation in several classes. In addition, we talked with the teachers/ faculty board and emphasized the importance of usage of UpToDate as a source in their lectures. Finally, we gave practical training to a group of dedicated students.
E-learning Surgery – An update regarding our field work in Kabul, Afghanistan
From 21 to 28th of April 2018, MCAN visited Kabul, Afghanistan to implement and evaluate
our current health care projects and discuss future demands and prospects.
We want to inform you about our activities during de past field work trip. We have visited Kabul Medical University (KMU), Aliabad Teaching Hospital (One of the academic hospitals affiliated to KMU), and Sardar Daud Khan Military Hospital (the main military hospital).
Day 1:
After meeting the chancellor of KMU, director of Aliabad Teaching Hospital and a representative surgeon we planned a meeting with all the surgeons and residents of Aliabad Hospital.
Day 2:
MCAN members gave a presentation about the principles and aims of our E-learning Surgery project. Through interactive presentation, providing practical knowledge, and organizing a work shop on using the INCISION surgical database we aimed for raising awareness about and stimulate the use of this database.
Day 3:
The same presentation was given at Sardar Daud Khan Milititary Hospital, the main military hospital of the country. We experienced the willingness of our partner institution in using the surgical database INCISION. Also we spoke to the director of this hospital and emphasized our motivation, current and future plans within the health care sector.
Evaluation and progress:
We aim at evaluating the use of the INCISION database though a questionnaire every three months and using the search item usage provided by the INCISION Academy.
Although we had a short and prompt visit to Kabul, we experienced the enthusiasm, hospitality, and dedication in implementing and propagating the use of our projects.